Losing your teeth is not always a sign of poor dental hygiene and a number of reasons – from injury to old age – can be the cause. No matter what the reason may be, missing teeth can cause you a lot of discomfort and emotional suffering.
Dentures can be an easy solution to a serious problem and can have you living your life again in no time.
We offer full or partial dentures. Full dentures are when most, or all, of your teeth are missing. Partial dentures are inserted in areas where a only a few teeth are missing. In both cases, the dentist will create a set of dentures that are color-matched to your existing teeth, are custom fitted to your mouth, and will look and feel like real teeth.
If you are missing a few, or many teeth – there is no reason to fret. We are here to help you rebuild your smile and your confidence!
If you need more information about Dentures in Fall River, contact us today.